onsdag 14 april 2010
Uppståndelsen öppnade historien för framtiden
The Resurrection opened history to the future. Med den rubriken sammanfattade L´Osservatore Romano (no. 2139 s. 8) Påven Benedikt XVI:s traditionella tal Urbi et Orbi ("för Rom och världen") på Påskdagen.
Med sitt tal förklarade den Helige Fadern bl a följande:
"Christ´s resurrection is a new creation, like a graft that can regenerate the whole plant. It is an event that has profoundly changed the course of history, tipping the scales once and for all on the side of good, of life, of pardon. We are free, we are saved! Hence from deep within our hearts we cry out: `Let us sing to the Lord: glorious his triumph!´. The Christian people, having emerged from the waters of baptism, is sent out to the whole world to bear witness to this salvation, to bring to all people the fruit of Easter, which consists in a new life, freed from sin and restored to its original beauty, to its goodness and truth. Continually, in the course of two thousand years, Christians - especially saints - have made history fruitful with their lived experience of Easter. The Church is the people of the Exodus, because she constantly lives the Paschal Mystery and disseminates its renewing power in every time and place. In our days too, humanity needs an `exodus´, not just superficial adjustment, but a spiritual and moral conversion."
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